Mobile Apps and Sensors in Surveys

2024 (materials)

The 5th MASS workshop was held jointly with The Current Innovations in Probability-based Household Internet Panel Research (CIPHER) conference on 6-7 March, 2024 in Washingon, DC

The  programme,

links to slides and video recordings to most presentations can be found below.

Keynote speaker:

Jennifer Romano was keynote speaker at MASS 2024. Jen Romano, Ph.D., has spent 15+ years in UX research: in industry, academia and government; as manager, director, and individual contributor; as strategist and executor. After getting started in User Experience Research at the US Census Bureau, Jen has made her way through some of the biggest and best UX orgs in the world (e.g., Google, Facebook, Instagram), speaking, teaching and being a keynote speaker at top UX conferences in the world (e.g., UXPA, WUC, HCII). Jen has since founded UXR Coach to help people make their UX dreams a reality. With small, instructor-led workshops, courses, and retreats, and personalized 1:1 coaching, Jen offers ways for people to have renewed confidence and skills to grow as a UX Researcher. With a foundation in Applied/Experimental Psychology, Jen is on a mission to train the BEST UX researchers in the world. She talked about

“Usability Testing in Smartphone Data Collection: How to Test and Design for Data Collection Tools” [recording]

Programme of the 5th MASS workshop
Wednesday: 06/03/2024
Time Session name Author(s) Title
09:00 AM – 09:15 AM Welcome
09:15 AM – 10:35 AM Session 1: space Thelonious Georz
John Palmer
Catherine Calder & Christopher Browning
Christopher Browning & Catherine Calder
10:35 AM – 10:55 AM Coffee break
10:55 AM – 12:15 PM Session 2: sensors to improve measurement Lauren Miller, Elina Page, Linda Kantor, & Joseph Rodhouse
Elizabeth A. Mack, Shelia R. Cotten, & Chu-Hsiang Chang
Joshua Claassen, Jan Karem Höhne, Christoph Kern, & Hayastan Avetisyan
Chuck Shuttles
12:15 PM – 1:15 PM Lunch break
01:15 PM – 02:15 PM Keynote: Jennifer Romano Usability Testing in smartphone data collection: how to test and design for data collection tools

Youtube recording

02:15 PM – 02:35 PM Coffee break
02:35 PM – 03:35 PM Session 3: design and quality of studies Oriol J. Bosch, Melanie Revilla, Patrick Sturgis & Jouni Kuha
Nathália da Conceição Leite Santos & Álvaro Padilla-Pozo
Bence Ságvári
03:35 PM – 03:55 PM Coffee break
03:55 PM – 05:15 PM Session 4: willingness, participation in extra tasks Wai Tak Tung & Alexander Wenz
Mechanisms of Participation in Smartphone App Data Collection: A Research Synthesis
Alexandra M. Brown Breslin
Jonathan Burton, Annette Jäckle, & Mick Couper
Janelle van den Heuvel, Barry Schouten, & Bella Struminskaya
Respondent perceptions on surveys with smart features
Thursday: 07/03/2024
Time Workshop activity
08:30 AM – 10:10 AM Session 5: applications of MASS Ting Yan, Marcelo Simas, Timothy Mulcahy, Westat Elina Page, & Economic Research Service
Joris Mulder, Seyit Höcük, Pradeep Kumar, Talip Kilic, Alberto Zezza, Gayatri Koolwal, & Wilbert Drazi Vundru
Ellyn Maese, Jenny Marlar, & Dan Foy
Bella Struminskaya, Florian Keusch, Joris Mulder, Stein Jongerius, & Adrienne Mendrik
Yvonne Gootzen, Jonas Klingwort, & Barry Schouten
10:10 AM – 10:30 AM Coffee break
10:30 AM – 11:00 AM Session 6: Business case Vera Toepoel & Barry Schouten
11:00 AM – 11:15 PM Wrap-up